Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Some side planning complete!

During our time in London we had planned to visit friends in this part of the world - some of them we have known since our first excursion here in 1975! So we started our plans which include a weekend with Penny and Rich in Matlock in Derbyshire. As we happily decided not to have a car in London we purchased train tickets on line which in some cases were really well priced. For instance a day trip to Oxford last Friday cost each of us eight pounds return. That’s about $A12.80, a bargain as a short trip - say one or two stations - on the London underground without an Oyster card could cost two pounds 20 pence.

Anyway we’re off to Chesterfield by train to visit Penny, Rich, Izzy and Milly this Friday.
Then to Gothenburg in Sweden to visit a family friend. During the next few weeks we’ll also be visiting another friend, a former Timbertop teacher in Munich, where we hope to sneak in a day’s skiing. Woohoo! Another little trip will be to Andover to visit Ken and Wendy and down to New Milton to visit a family friend of my Dad’s.

These trips are now all organised which took some effort but well worth it. We’ll be hiring a car to head south as the train fares are way too expensive.

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