Saturday, March 22, 2014


We never tire of jumping on the Oxford Tube - actually a bus - for a visit to Oxford. The history of this university town is quite amazing. We all had a taste for the city through the original series of Morse and in more recent years the sequel to Morse, Lewis.

There are some lovely walks, it rains a lot - always take an umbrella, the vibrancy of the city and architecture is spectacular. For our second visit this trip again it rained and rained again. 

The Radcliffe Camera (Library) the main reading room of the famous nearby Bodleian Library. 
The two are linked by an underground tunnel. 

The Bodleian holds a copy of every book published in the United Kingdom and is used by scholars from around the world.

The intricate rooflines of St Mary the Virgin
The view of part of the city from the 13th century tower of
St Mary the Virgin Church
The beautiful Bridge of Sighs which links the old and new quads of Hertford College. Built as recently as 1913, the bridge was actually named Hertford Bridge but no-one calls it that. It's adoptive name, Bridge of Sighs, is after the original bridge in Venice.
Our friends from Ebenhausen near Munich, Renate and Sabine, came across to London. We took them to Oxford and found some great pubs for lunch!

Oxford the third time round - sunshine

This trip we took our friends from Sweden, who had come to visit us in London. Perolov and Annette being Swedes, brought the sun with them for this excursion to Oxford. We decided on a tour on the hop-on, hop-off bus.  This gives a great opportunity to listen to excellent commentary on what you are seeing as you drive by.

Oxford Castle

The neo-classical Ashmolean Museum

Annette and Perolov outside another fabulous pub for lunch in Oxford - the Crown.
The Saxon Tower at the left is known as St Michael at the Northgate. The old tudor building is on the corner of Cornmarket Street

The Martyrs' Memorial - erected 300 years after the deaths of three churchmen who refused to renounce Protentantism. They were burned at the stake.

And on that note we'll move on to our trip to the south of England…...

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